HAPN Arts, Entertainment & Media Mountain Presentation

by Melanie Hemry

Arts, Entertainment & Media Mountain Prayer Points

Melanie Hemry, HAPN Arts, Entertainment and Media Mountain Leader

Prayer for the Mountains of Art, Entertainment and Media

Father, in the mighty name of Jesus we come before you in agreement declaring the end from the beginning over the mountains of art, entertainment and media:

  • First and foremost, we repent for all the years we left these mountains to the enemy because we didn’t want to get ourselves dirty being involved with them.
  • We repent for the ways we have both shunned and idolized them instead of bridging the gap and winning them to You.
  • To all those on the mountains of art, entertainment and media we say, “Your sins are forgiven! The Light of the Lord shines on you! Truth is revealed to you! Light and truth drives out lies and deceit.”
  • Thank you, Lord, for keeping us protected in the Secret Place of the Most High while you judge and take down Leviathan.
  • We take authority over all other Principalities and Powers who have ruled those mountains. We decree that you are OVERTHROWN and DETHRONED.
  • We decree and declare that the mountains of arts, entertainment and media are transformed to the Glory of God. God’s glory shines from the tops of these mountains.
  • By faith, we lift God’s called ones to the top of these mountains.

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